The Study Focuses on the Molecular Identification of MRSA Stains in Clinical Staphylococcus Aureus Isolated, Which Produce Enterotoxin Using ISSR Markers

Raghad Tahseen Thanoon


Staphylococcus aureus were isolated from clinical cases of human skin infections and subjected to a molecular study. Genomic DNA extracted Commercial kit method and the yield was observed; it ranged from 240-490 ng/ml. This method gave an A260/A280 ratio approximately 1.7 of DNA quality. This research approaches to investigate the genetic diversity of the methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains that are clinically collected by performing ISSR PCR technique The purpose of this work is to use ISSR markers to identify and isolate S. aureus from various sources of wounds and gastrointestinal infections, and to examine the genetic diversity of these isolates. DNA was extracted from 20 samples that were collected from 5 isolates of S. aureus. The isolates were described based on their physical and biochemical characteristics. When 9primers from 01primers were used to create ISSR9, five unique bands were produced. The dendrogram of ISSR was reversed, and isolates 2 and 3 had the highest genetic diversity (0.0.987), while isolates 5 and 4 had the lowest genetic similarity (0.065), in contrast to other isolates with high genetic diversity.

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Raghad Tahseen Thanoon
Thanoon , R. T. (2024). The Study Focuses on the Molecular Identification of MRSA Stains in Clinical Staphylococcus Aureus Isolated, Which Produce Enterotoxin Using ISSR Markers. World of Medicine : Journal of Biomedical Sciences, 1(8), 1–4. Retrieved from
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