Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer in Men

Alimkhodzhayeva Lola Telmanovna, Norbekova Munira Khamrokulovna, Kurbankulov Uktam Mukhammadovich, Khusanova Mokhinabonu Jamoliddinovna, Otajonov Jamoliddin Khusanovich


Male breast cancer (BC) is an uncommon condition, representing less than 1% of all breast tumors [Aksel S.M., 2006; Merabishvili V.M., 2011]. The infrequency of this condition in men results in a significant number of medical errors in its diagnosis and treatment. The prevalence of breast cancer in men correlates with that of female breast cancer across many nations, suggesting shared etiological factors for the disease in both genders [Semiglazov V.F. et al., 2010, 2014]. Interest in male breast cancer is rising due to a growing prevalence of the condition [Giordano SH et al., 2004].

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Alimkhodzhayeva Lola Telmanovna
Norbekova Munira Khamrokulovna
Kurbankulov Uktam Mukhammadovich
Khusanova Mokhinabonu Jamoliddinovna
Otajonov Jamoliddin Khusanovich
Telmanovna, A. L., Khamrokulovna, N. M., Mukhammadovich, K. U., Jamoliddinovna, K. M., & Khusanovich, O. J. (2024). Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer in Men. World of Medicine : Journal of Biomedical Sciences, 1(11), 62–67. Retrieved from https://wom.semanticjournals.org/index.php/biomed/article/view/162
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