Comparative Characteristics of the Morphometric Parameters of the Kidney in Polypharmacy with Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

Mustafoev Zafarzhon Mustafo o`gli, Subkhanov Asatillo Sobirjon og`li


At the global level, there has been an increase in the number of diseases caused by disorders of the urinary system. The studies were carried out on 250 five-month-old outbred white rats. This article studied changes in the morphometric parameters of the kidney under conditions of polypharmacy with 5 types of anti-inflammatory drugs. Polypharmacy of anti-inflammatory drugs had a negative effect on the morphometric parameters of the structural elements of the kidney. As a result of polypharmacy, the area of the renal corpuscle increased (up to 6.23%), the area of the cavity of the renal capsule (up to 12.36%), the area of the renal corpuscle (up to 7.04%), proximal (up to 8.27%) and distal caused a decrease the diameter of the convoluted tubules (up to 8.77%).

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Mustafoev Zafarzhon Mustafo o`gli
Subkhanov Asatillo Sobirjon og`li
Mustafoev Zafarzhon Mustafo o`gli, & Subkhanov Asatillo Sobirjon og`li. (2024). Comparative Characteristics of the Morphometric Parameters of the Kidney in Polypharmacy with Anti-Inflammatory Drugs. World of Medicine : Journal of Biomedical Sciences, 1(12), 1–5. Retrieved from
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