Laboratory Diagnosis Methods of Acute Herpetic Candidiasis Stomatitis

Xolmatova Zarnigor Dilmurod Qizi, Gulyamov Doniyor Taxirovich, Raxmatullayeva Dilnoza Utkurovna


currently, laboratory diagnostics of candidiasis stomatitis in dental practice are microscopic, Mycological, serological, histological and allergenic methods. Microscopic examination is one of the most commonly used methods of examining patients with candidiasis stomatitis. From the mucous membrane of the mouth, the red border of the lips and caraches serve as a material for studying candidiasis stomatitis. Positive microscopy results are considered when many (more than 10) blastoconidia, pseudogyphs, or true hyphae are detected in one or more visual fields. C. predominates in chronic forms of candidiasis stomatitis caused by albicans. It is worth noting that, according to a number of literature sources, in 96% of cases, in addition to fungi of the Candida type, there is also a microflora of another type from a pathological hearth, the presence of which contributes to a more pronounced manifestation of the disease. A positive result is determined by indicating the type of candida and confirming the diagnosis only in the presence of clinical manifestations. In scientific research work, celtiate candidiasis stomatitis is mainly a superficial process, which in most cases is more preserved in the epithelial layer of the oral mucosa. In this regard, the state of epithelial cells, their ability to resist the aggression of various microorganisms, including fungi of the Candida type, is being studied. Analysis of microscopic data determines the violation of the differentiation process of mucous and subcutaneous epithelial cells in patients with candidiasis stomatitis, a decrease in the number of subcutaneous epithelial cells is noted. Mucous membrane epithelial cells are characterized by yellow cytoplasm, dark, oblong nuclei, and a sharp decrease in their number indicates a violation of the function of the descvamation of the oral mucosa and, as a result, a decrease in its barrier properties. According to literature, Mycological examination is used to confirm the diagnosis - determined through the Saburo environment.

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Xolmatova Zarnigor Dilmurod Qizi
Gulyamov Doniyor Taxirovich
Raxmatullayeva Dilnoza Utkurovna
Dilmurod Qizi, X. Z., Taxirovich, G. D., & Utkurovna, R. D. (2024). Laboratory Diagnosis Methods of Acute Herpetic Candidiasis Stomatitis. World of Medicine : Journal of Biomedical Sciences, 1(8), 28–30. Retrieved from
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