Prevalence of Brucellosis among the Population and Improvement of Preventive Measures

Rasulov Sh. M., Djuraeva M. E., Toshpulatov A. Y.


The article describes the unique epidemiological features of brucellosis, an epidemiological analysis of the spread of the disease in our republic, Tashkent and the Bukhara region, and preventive measures.

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Rasulov Sh. M.
Djuraeva M. E.
Toshpulatov A. Y.
Rasulov Sh. M., Djuraeva M. E., & Toshpulatov A. Y. (2024). Prevalence of Brucellosis among the Population and Improvement of Preventive Measures. World of Medicine : Journal of Biomedical Sciences, 1(10), 1–5. Retrieved from
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