Assessing the Prevalence of Hbv Among Patients at the Bamenda Regional Hospital
Background: The liver being one of the most important organs in the body with all its numerous functions like, filtration, digestion and metabolism, when it is attacked by this virus it will lead to so much problem to the system and hence stopping the liver from perform its function as it's described as a silent killer due to its asymptomatic nature. Most people will notice it at the stage when it's chronic leading to liver cirrhosis, cancer, liver failure or even death. Like other chronic liver diseases, hepatitis B infection can do this damage without causing symptoms. Many people don’t realize they’re infected (Cleveland clinic 2022). Seeing the number of cases around, the researcher to it upon herself to determine the prevalence of HBV among patients at the Bamenda Regional Hospital. To determine the Hepatitis B serological test status among patients in Bamenda Regional Hospital. To find out the level of awareness of Hepatitis B Virus infection among patients and control measures of HBV infection in Bamenda Regional Hospital. To determine the knowledge level of patients about hepatitis B transmission.
Method: Descriptive quantitative survey design method was used on 100 patients who accepted to partake in the study by signing the consent form in the Bamenda Regional Hospital. Questionnaires were used to get related information about the prevalence and managing of personnel which were later analysed using Excel and SPSS 26.
Results: The test reveal that 30% of the respondents were positive with males coming up with the higher positive percentage of 18% of which 15% came from the age group 30 – 50. All the patients (100%) said they are aware of HBV. Most of the patients hear about HBV from school, 27% from the hospital, 11% from friends and 18% from the media. Majority of the respondents representing 94% indicated that they were using personal protective equipment (PPEs) and 6% indicated they don’t use PPE. The results also revealed that 91% of the respondents said there were containers available for bio hazardous waste and majority of them have received HBV vaccination (65%). This shows that most respondents have taken the necessary preventive measures.
Conclusion: From the results, the research concluded that there is relatively higher prevalence in men as compared to women and also that respondents are well aware of HBV with the preventive measures against HBV. So the researcher recommended that universal vaccination policy should be implemented, vaccination campaigns and health talks, provision of retractable syringes as well as report of exposure to any risk factor.