Theoretical Study Enhancement Advanced Biomaterial for Applying of Bones Tissue Engineering
This review examines and synthesizes the latest advancements in the application of biodegradable materials for bone repair. The decision to utilize either degradable or non-degradable devices in orthopedic and maxillofacial contexts necessitates careful consideration. Traditional biodegradable devices for osteosynthesis have proven effective in applications involving low to moderate load-bearing. Nevertheless, ongoing research and recent breakthroughs in material science have led to the creation of biomaterials with enhanced strength and mechanical characteristics. Biodegradable materials such as polymers, ceramics, and magnesium alloys have garnered significant interest for their potential in osteological repair. Future iterations of biodegradable materials stand to benefit from the insights gained regarding the interactions between cells and materials, allowing for improved control over the interface between the material and adjacent bone tissue. Furthermore, advancements in the mechanical properties and degradation/resorption profiles of these materials are essential to expand their applicability and achieve superior clinical outcomes. Additionally, in situ forming implants (ISI), which utilize phase separation through solvent exchange, present a promising alternative to traditional preformed implants and microparticles for parenteral applications. These implants are simpler to manufacture and do not necessitate surgical intervention for administration, thereby enhancing patient compliance. They are composed of polymeric solutions that precipitate at the injection site.