Age-Dependent Changes in Morpho-Functional Features of the Skin

Nino Pruidze , Elena Varazi


Aging of a living organism is a set of gradually developed processes of morpho-functional changes in tissues at the cellular level. Determining the mechanisms of slowing down the aging process and maintaining youth for a long time attracts the special attention of contemporary scientists. The skin, as the largest organ that covers the body, is an ideal model for revealing the primary signs of aging, studying its physiology and pathophysiology. As we age, it undergoes significant structural changes, and this is the first time we understand the beginning of the aging process. Important factors of skin aging are created by its structural elements - fibrinoblast, collagen and elastin fibers, water, hyaluronic acid, glycosaminoglycans and a combination of metabolic processes in the tissue itself.

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Nino Pruidze
Elena Varazi
Pruidze , N., & Varazi , E. (2024). Age-Dependent Changes in Morpho-Functional Features of the Skin. World of Medicine : Journal of Biomedical Sciences, 1(4), 105–110. Retrieved from
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